RKT – G-10 Preamp Board with Turrets


A traditional layout Rocket pre-amp board made from modern 1/16″ G-10 material and high quality easy soldering turrets. Affordable, well made, classy and professional.


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Out of stock



Send me a note if you are looking for more of these — I am in the midst of a major renovation on my house which will include a great little amp working shop but it has everything in chaos so I’m intentionally minimizing my sales efforts and keeping the inventory levels down until further notice… thanks, rj


Made from modern 1/16″ G-10 Circuit Board for your diy RKT build. Fits a standard Wreck Vectorbord footprint. This board includes genuine Keystone Turrets – If you have ever tried to solder to some of the import turrets you’ll appreciate the way the solder flows on these turrets.

Price Includes Shipping.


Email us if you have any questions:  info@rjguitars.net


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